Our Observer’s Guides can be used with any of our team-building simulations to help team members provide constructive feedback on the behaviors and skills that will help teams reach their performance potential. Click on our Business or Survival Simulation Series Observer’s Guides to view product and pricing information:

By assessing people (interpersonal) and task (rational) skills, this invaluable toolgives “outsider” feedback on how well (or how poorly) a group functions. Team observers use the Survival Simulation Observer’s Guide to report on what they see happening as members work together to complete the exercise. These insights help members assess their individual impact on the team’s performance. The Observer's Guide also helps team observers to develop their own coaching skills as they provide groups with feedback on their performance.
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Survival Simulation Series Observer's Guide™
By assessing people (interpersonal) and task (rational) skills, this invaluable tool gives “outsider” feedback on how well (or how poorly) a group functions. Team observers use the Business Simulation Observer’s Guide to report on what they see happening as members work together to complete the exercise. These insights help members assess their individual impact on the team’s performance. The Observer's Guide also helps team observers to develop their own coaching skills as they provide groups with feedback on their performance.
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Business Simulation Series Observer's Guide™